
Back Road Tractors is a family owned business (although some might call it an obsession) located in Rocky Face, GA. While we tend to focus on Red tractors, we dabble in all kinds of antique tractors.
If you are looking to start your own obsession, or just do some work around the house, check out our “Tractors for Sale” or “Attachments” pages.
Looking for parts for your antique tractor? We have a “Parts Tractor” page, plus Back Road Tractors has now joined with a tractor salvage operation. We have tons of hard to find hard parts for Farmalls. Hand lifts, bolsters, blocks, complete engines, etc. Lots of new/old stock IH as well. Let us know what we can find for you today.
If you just want to see our many personal tractors (you might talk us out of a few of these), feel free to check the “Gallery” page.
Whatever your interest, we are here for you. We love everything about tractors, so be sure to call or email with your questions or comments. We will either help you find the answer or learn something new with you.
Call for more information. 706-463-1247 or email us at 2059HallsGarage@gmail.com